Hey there again, everyone! It is a brand new year now, so, let's start off by saying, "Happy New Year!!" Now, with that out of the way, did we all make resolutions? And seeing how it is almost February, how many of us are still sticking to them? ;) Hey, at least we try, right? Ahhhh, I wanted to start my new year with a supposed quote from Coco Chanel:
"I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."
I have decided to take a fresh, new outlook. An new outlook, as well as carry myself differently. And it all starts with self-respect and self-love. One cannot love another until they love themselves. I mean, of course I have the usual goals; exercise more, eat less . . . But, isn't there something out there more important than that? Something with more depth?? Something spiritual. I want to love myself more, to then love others more. I want to resonate a patience with my fellow man and glide through the days unscathed by the negativity, jadedness, and ego. I want to have confidence in myself, in my decisions, and be proud of who I am. I wish for congruence, inside and out. Show sterness when needed, and that I will not be manipulated or walked on. But! To soften my gaze and open my heart, as well. I wish to further my relationship with the divine. May that be God, Buddha, whichever name you choose . . . I don't want to offend anyone here. Bow my head in appreciation and humility, speak less, read more. Desire less. When I shop, buy earth-friendly, read where my clothes actually come from. Spend money to help others. I could go on, but, these are where I would like to get started. So, thanks to all who read, and I hope you have a wonderful evening. Shall we do one day at a time, one moment at a time?
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